Bible SuperSearch API Changelog

= 4.1.0 / Dec 21, 2019
* Ability to download Bibles via the API in multiple formats.
* Download tab as part of API Documentation page.
* Ability to download multiple files at once, as a ZIP file.
* Ability to cache files for quick download later.  No need to render the files for every download.
* Easy control over how long files are cached and how much disk space is used.
* Rearranging embedded API documentation into nestled tabs
* Rearranging API configuration page into tabs
* Misc bug fixes

= 4.0.2 / Aug 3, 2019
* Bugfix: RVG Module was missing language information
* Bugfix: Better disambiguation when using foreign language Bibles
* Bugfix: Fixed more issues with matching language of book name to selected Bible

= 4.0.1 // July 20, 2019
* Improved command-line based Bible installers to make them a little more user-friendly.
* Bugfix: Resolved issues with searching for terms containing Unicode characters
* Bugfix: Resolved issues with retrieving passages using book names with Unicode characters
* Bugfix: Selection of book language now based on primary Bible

= 4.0.0 // May 4, 2019 =
* Official release of this API code
* Added: Inline Strong's Definitions - Returned when search includes Strong's number(s).
* Added: Disambiguation links - Returned when using the single request field but requesting something that could be either a keyword or a book of the Bible.
* Added: Browser-based installer
* Added: Admin-side configs
* Added: Admin-side Bible manager

= 2.7.0 // May 1, 2018 =
* Added Strong's Numbers with definitions (KJV)
* Added support for Italicised words (KJV / RVG)
* Added support for Words of Christ in Red (KJV / RVG)
* Misc bugfixes

= 2.6.5 =
* Adding several new interfaces
* Misc bug fixes and formatting fixes

= 2.6.2 =
* Bugfix: checking custom API URL to make sure it's valid (WP Plugin)

= 2.6.1 =
* Bugfix: Allowing for cURL or allow_url_fopen for loading statics on options page (WP Plugin)

= 2.6.0 =
* Initial release of official WordPress plugin.
* Complete rebuild of legacy Bible SuperSearch (version 2.2.x) code.
* This version adds support for PHP 7+


For versions of Bible SuperSearch prior to the version 2.6 / 4.0 rebuild

Feb 17, 2018
- Added error message indicating no PHP 7 support
- Reapplied 2.2.07 fix (was missing in new GIT repo)

Sept 25, 2015
- Fixed a bug on the installer Bible list page
- Tested and confirmed working on PHP 5.6

March 14, 2015
- Added the ability to use Bible SuperSearch as a WordPress plugin

Sept 10, 2013
- Fixed a few serious security issues
- Fixed some bugs with the verse proximity search
- Suppressed mysql deprecation error in PHP 5.5

December 24,2012
- Bug fixes to make compatible with PHP 5.4

July 12, 2008
- New authentication system for installer, the installer should now work on more servers.
- System can now handle large Bibles that require more than 3 module files.
- Highlighting revised to handle quotes in the text.
- Issues with the advanced search page and Internet Explorer/Firefox for Windows resolved
- New Bible modules:
    + Thai KJV
    + Spanish Reina Valera 1858 NT
    + Textus Receptus - Parsed
- Other minor bug fixes

July 2, 2008
- Fixed minor bugs:
- Fixed <div> tag imbalance that may disrupt site formatting.
- Issues with using period in references.
- Internet Explorer and Firefox for Windows format issues
- Random Chapter/Verse now works for user_friendly2 interface
- Proximity/Chapter search with only one word now works, acts as a basic search

April 12, 2008
- Fixed bug in Bible search tester.

March 28, 2008
- Completly new proximity search algorithm, much faster than original, and 100% accurate.
- Find search terms within the same chapter.
- Numerous bug fixes, especially in the lookup syntax.
- Minor changes to user manual, installation manual.

Jan 23, 2008
- Complete revision of Bible modules to function properly with a PHPMyAdmin installation
- If you are not having problems installing the Bible search, you do not need to upgrade.

Oct 27, 2007
- Fixed a bug where lookup without search wouldn't work when "Words within 5 verses" was selected.
- Clarified the instructions for adding unsupported Bibles.

Sept 25, 2007
Fixed a couple of bugs in the parallel Bible lookup.
- "database table not found"
- Browsing buttons now working.

Aug 18, 2007
New "accordian Bible list" in certain interfaces. This automatically shrinks or expands the number of parallel Bible drop down menus depending on the number of Bibles installed on your system. If only one Bible is installed, just the name of the Bible is displayed. If 2 or 3 are installed, 2 or 3 menus are given.  If 4 or more are installed, 4 menus are given. (Parallel Bible has a maximum of 4 Bibles.) The Accordian Bible List is avalable on the "User Friendly" interface series, and the "Advanced" interface.

New Bible module: William Tyndale Bible (English)

Increased support for Bible translations with only some books.

New "user_friendly2" interface.

July 21, 2007
Fixed a bug with the regular expression search.

July 14, 2007
Added new user-requested interface
Added Regular expression support.

June 30, 2007
Official Release
New Features:
Parallel Bible - look up and search in up to 4 different versions
User-frendly, improved interface
More interfaces to choose from
Advanced search interface
Text size/font options
Proximity search - find words within 5 verses, or N verses
HTML help (replacing the PDF help)
Easy configuration in Installation Manager
Remote Modual Installation - allows installing Bibles without having to upload them to your server (experimental)

New Modules:
Textus Receptus Greek NT
Bible Kralicka (Czech)
Finnish 1776
Lithuanian Bible
Maori Bible

May 11, 2007
Beta Release
New Features:
Parallel Bible - look up and search in up to 4 different versions
User-frendly, improved interface
More interfaces to choose from
Advanced search interface
Text size/font options
Proximity search - find words within 5 verses, or N verses
HTML help (replacing the PDF help)
Easy configuration in Installation Manager
Remote Modual Installation - allows installing Bibles without having to upload them to your server (experimental)

New Bible Module: Textus Receptus Greek NT

Feb 07, 2007
New Features:
More Bibles released
Support for Russian, and Right-to-Left (Hebrew, Arabic) text
Module creator
Bible list organizer
Many tweaks on manager
Misc. bug fixes.

Jan 15, 2007
Paginated searches show only 20 verses per page.
Can switch to "show all results."
Added new formatting option.  Switch between an easy copy format to a better looking display.
Produced a new interface, with book browsing buttons removed.

Nov 6, 2006
Added resiliency in scanning for Bible version installation files
Fixed bug that prevented version 1.5 from working in PHP 4

Nov 1, 2006
Encoding bug fixed. This prevented German and Spanish text from displaying correctly.
Fixed minor bug with Boolean search (implied AND)

Oct 28, 2006

New Features:
Multiple Bible version support
Several Bibles offered
Boolean search with parenthenses
New "Installation Manager"

Better browsing buttons
Book requests without search return only first chapter
Standard interface now has "Bible SuperSearch" title
Some MySQL tables renamed.
Errors in 'bible_versions' table structure fixed
Typo in 'kjv' bible_versions entry fixed.

Sept 23, 2006

Added a much better interface, the one seen on

July 04, 2006

Fixed a major bug that prevented "Exact Phrase" searches from functioning in PHP 4.x. PHP 5 users are not affected.
Also fixed a JavaScript error regarding non-existant frames.

June 24, 2006 - Initial Release